Source code for adaptdl.checkpoint

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This module provides functionality to Save and load arbitrary state as part of
checkpoint-restart elasticity. The `State` class can be subclassed to define
how to save/load any state to/from persistent storage, so it can be restored
after the current job restarts and resumed from where it left off.

import os
import shutil
import logging

from adaptdl.env import checkpoint_path, replica_rank, num_restarts, from_ray

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CKPT_DIR_PREFIX = "checkpoint-"

# FIXME: Keeping global state like this will result in memory leaks for
# applications which do not restart too often.

[docs]class State(object): """ This class implements An arbitrary piece of state which can be saved and loaded as part of a checkpoint, and synchronized across all replicas. Should be sub-classed to define custom save, load, and sync logic. """ def __init__(self, name): """ Initialize the state object with a unique identifier `name`, which is used to refer to the saved object in persistent storage. No two `State` objects may share the same `name`. Arguments: name (str): Unique name of this `State` object. Raises: ValueError: If a `State` object with the given name already exists. """ if name in _NAMES_TO_STATES: raise ValueError("State '{}' already exists".format(name)) _NAMES_TO_STATES[name] = self _STATES_TO_NAMES[self] = name
[docs] def save(self, fileobj): """ This method should be overridden by subclasses to define how the state is saved. Is invoked by `save_all_states` and `save_state` to save the state into persistent storage. Arguments: fileobj (BinaryIO): A binary writable file object. """ pass
[docs] def load(self, fileobj): """ This method should be overridden by subclasses to define how the state is loaded. Is invoked by `load_state` to load the state from persistent storage. Arguments: fileobj (BinaryIO): A binary readable file object. """ pass
[docs] def sync(self): """ This method should be overridden by subclasses to define how the state is synchronized across replicas. This might be necessary to make sure the state is consistent before saving it to persistent storage. Is invoked by `save_state` before saving the state. """ pass
def _get_tmp_ckpt_dir(checkpoint_path): if checkpoint_path is None: return None tmp_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "_checkpoint") os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) return tmp_dir
[docs]def save_all_states(): """ Invokes `save_state` on all `State` objects for which `State.skip` is True. This function can be used to trigger a global checkpoint and save every `State` in the current job. """ if from_ray(): from ray.tune.trainable import TrainableUtil checkpoint_dir = TrainableUtil.make_checkpoint_dir("/tmp", index=None, override=True) else: checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_path() for state in _STATES_TO_NAMES: save_state(state, checkpoint_dir) # Prevent corrupting original state files in case the process got killed # during state file writing. if replica_rank() == 0 and checkpoint_dir is not None: tmp_ckpt_dir = _get_tmp_ckpt_dir(checkpoint_dir) ckpt_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, f"{CKPT_DIR_PREFIX}{num_restarts()}") os.rename(tmp_ckpt_dir, ckpt_dir) # atomic, rename(src, dst) for dir_name in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir): dir_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, dir_name) if dir_name.startswith(CKPT_DIR_PREFIX) and dir_path != ckpt_dir: shutil.rmtree(dir_path) return checkpoint_dir
[docs]def save_state(state, checkpoint_dir, sync=True): """ Saves a `State` object to persistent storage. First invokes `State.sync` on all replicas if `sync` is `True` (default), and then invokes `` on the replica of rank 0 only. Note that we save state to a temporary folder first. Then, it will be renamed to the formal checkpoint folder after all states are saved. Arguments: state (State): The `State` object to save to persistent storage. sync (bool): Whether `State.sync` should be invoked. """ if sync: state.sync() if replica_rank() == 0 and checkpoint_dir is not None: name = _STATES_TO_NAMES[state] state_file = os.path.join(_get_tmp_ckpt_dir(checkpoint_dir), name) with open(state_file, "wb") as f:
[docs]def load_state(state): """ Load the given `State` object from persistent storage. If the object was previously saved, then State.load will be invoked with a readable file object to load from. Arguments: state (State): `State` object to load from persistent storage. Returns: `True` if state was previously saved and `State.load` was invoked, `False` otherwise. """ if from_ray(): from ray.tune import session checkpoint_dir = session.get_session().get_checkpoint() else: checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_path() if checkpoint_dir is None: return False ckpt_dirs = os.listdir(checkpoint_dir) if not ckpt_dirs:"No checkpoint found in {checkpoint_dir}.") return False latest_restart_id = 0 for dir_name in ckpt_dirs: if dir_name.startswith(CKPT_DIR_PREFIX): restart_id = int(dir_name[len(CKPT_DIR_PREFIX):]) latest_restart_id = max(latest_restart_id, restart_id) if latest_restart_id != num_restarts() - 1: LOG.warning("Cannot find checkpoint from the last restart. " f"Loading checkpoint from restart {latest_restart_id}.") ckpt_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, f"{CKPT_DIR_PREFIX}{latest_restart_id}") name = _STATES_TO_NAMES[state] state_file = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, name) if not os.path.isfile(state_file): LOG.warning(f"Cannot find state file {state_file}.") return False with open(state_file, "rb") as f: state.load(f) return True