Source code for adaptdl.reducer

# Copyright 2020 Petuum, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import pickle
import socket
import threading
import time
import traceback
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Future(object): def __init__(self, reducer, key): self._reducer = reducer self._key = key
[docs] def result(self): try: return self._result except AttributeError: while self._key not in self._reducer._result_map: try: key, result = pickle.load(self._reducer._sockfile) self._reducer._result_map[key] = result except Exception as e: logger.error(f"reducer._rank = {self._reducer._rank}" f" is exiting unexpectedly because of {e}") raise self._result = self._reducer._result_map.pop(self._key) return self._result
[docs]def default_reduce_fn(a, b): a += b return a
[docs]class Reducer(object): """ Simple asynchronous (all)reduce operations on python objects. Assumes all invokations to allreduce, allreduce_async, and Future.result happen in the same order across all processes. """ def __init__(self, rank, replicas, root_host, root_port): self._root_port = root_port self._result_map = {} self._next_key = 0 self._rank = rank if rank == 0: self._reduce_fn_map = {} threading.Thread(target=self._run_server, args=(self._root_port, replicas), daemon=True).start() # Keep retrying connection, because (1) the root pod might not have # a registered domain name yet, and (2) the root server socket might # not be bound yet. exception_cnt = 0 while True: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if (exception_cnt > 25): logger.error("Could not connect to root after max " "retries, exiting...") break try: if (self._root_port == 0): # waiting for server to get a valid port in local mode raise ConnectionRefusedError"rank {rank} of {replicas} connecting to " f"{root_host} on port {self._root_port}") sock.connect((root_host, self._root_port)) except ConnectionRefusedError: logger.warning("Could not connect to root, trying again...") exception_cnt += 1 time.sleep(5) else: break self._sockfile = sock.makefile("rwb") pickle.dump(rank, self._sockfile) self._sockfile.flush()
[docs] def broadcast(self, obj): """ Broadcast a value from replica 0 to all other replicas. Currently uses allreduce with left-projection. """ return self.allreduce(obj, lambda x, y: x)
[docs] def allreduce(self, obj, reduce_fn=default_reduce_fn): future = self.allreduce_async(obj, reduce_fn) return future.result()
[docs] def allreduce_async(self, obj, reduce_fn=default_reduce_fn): key = self._next_key self._next_key += 1 try: self._reduce_fn_map[key] = reduce_fn except AttributeError: pass pickle.dump(obj, self._sockfile) # TODO - flush throws an unhandled exception self._sockfile.flush() return Future(self, key)
def _run_server(self, port, replicas): try: listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listener.bind(("", port)) if port == 0: # local mode self._root_port = listener.getsockname()[1] listener.listen(replicas) # wait for connections from all clients"Master waiting for connections on {port}") clients = [None] * replicas while None in clients: client = listener.accept()[0].makefile("rwb") rank = pickle.load(client) assert clients[rank] is None clients[rank] = client # main server loop key = 0 while True: for rank, client in enumerate(clients): obj = pickle.load(client) if rank == 0: result = obj reduce_fn = self._reduce_fn_map.pop(key) else: result = reduce_fn(result, obj) # Respond to clients in reverse order, with rank 0 last. # Prevents deadlocks where the rank 0 client gets unblocked # first and grabs the GIL in a later operation, blocking this # server from responding to the remaining replicas. for client in reversed(clients): pickle.dump((key, result), client) client.flush() key += 1 except Exception: traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) exit(1)